Choose Your Message
Perfect for announcing promotions, events and important dates, simply choose what you want to communicate in your message and we’ll take care of the rest.
Easy To Use
Included with your custom dial-in number, the greeting is studio-recorded by a professional voice actor and provides another layer of brand trust for guests.

Why An Audio Greeting?
No one wants to wait around in silence, wondering if the call was dropped or if they’re even in the right place! Provide participants an informative message that doesn’t waste their time and lessens the feeling of “waiting around.” Plus, it’s an opportunity to make a good first impression amongst a captive audience.
Don’t Have An Account?
Host An Instant Conference Call Or Video Conference, Starting Now.
Create your InstantConference account and get up and running with instant access to features like video conferencing, screen sharing, the online whiteboard and so much more. With InstantConference.com, all your conference calls and online meetings with colleagues, clients, friends and family are covered.